Hugo E. Almeida Jr.Profile Photo

Founder, Creator, Speaker

Hugo Almeida, has been a Visionary, Entrepreneur, Outdoor and Ocean Lover since childhood and today shares a new passion, Podcasting!!
Host and Founder of one of the fastest growing technology podcasts, TechFluencerTalk. Here he discusses innovating technologies with experts from all different verticals and shares amazing finds, developments and advice while keeping the tech chat simple.
Every month be sure to stay tuned as he drops some of the latest episodes and dives into some great conversations with industry leaders.
Hugo is also the host for the world renowned podcast, T20E World, ”The 2020 Entrepreneur World", where he shares his valuable knowledge, life lessons, and business experiences from his over 30 years of being an entrepreneur.
He is the founder of the HEA Media Group, HEA Brands and still holds the CEO role for technology leader Abitronix, LLC.